What are contactless payments?

Contactless payments are transactions made by tapping either a contactless card or payment-enabled mobile or wearable device over a contactless-enabled payment terminal. Cards, phones, watches, and other devices use the same contactless technology. When you tap to pay checkout is secure and convenient.

How do I know if my card or device can make contactless payments?

How does tap to pay work?

Benefits of Contactless Payments

Contactless payment security

Where to tap to pay

In the U.S., thousands of merchants of all sizes accept contactless payments. Tap to pay at many of your favorite places like fast-food restaurants, grocery stores, pharmacies, vending machines and more. Just look for the Contactless Symbol at checkout.

80 %

of all in-person purchases made with a Visa take place at a Contactless-enabled Merchant.

VisaNet data, March 2024

7 Eleven logo.
Aldi logo.
Costco Wholesale logo.
CVS Pharmacy logo.
Dunkin' Donuts logo.
Foot Locker logo.
Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches logo.
KFC logo.
Lowe's logo.
McDonalds logo.
Office Depot, Office Max logos.
Panera Bread logo
Starbucks coffee logo.
Subway logo.
Walgreens logo.
Whole Foods Market logo.