Middle market businesses
Visa offers a range of solutions and insights to help middle market companies grow and innovate in the digital economy.
Visa knows the middle market
The middle market is a segment of businesses that sit between small businesses and large corporate, often described as companies that generate annual revenues between $10 million and $1 billion. The middle market encompasses a broad range of companies with different revenue bands and is often further broken down by company size. These businesses are vital to the economy and account for about one-third of the private sector GDP and employment in the United States.
New possibilities
Visa is proud to be a trusted partner and enabler of middle market companies. The middle market segment is one of the largest commercial segments and is growing steadily. Visa is committed to helping these companies succeed, and Visa offers a range of solutions and insights to help middle market companies grow.
Tools and resources
Visa is proud to be a trusted partner and enabler of middle market companies.

National Center for the Middle Market (NCMM)
As a sponsor of the NCMM, Visa is closely aligned to research, programs, and support of the middle market.

Visa Commercial Preferred Solution (VCPS)
VCPS is more than a card, it is a solution designed to meet the needs of these businesses.

Commercial Offers
Offers designed to help your company save time and money.

Growth Corporates Working Capital Index
Learn how middle market companies tap into working capital solutions to thrive and grow. Our 2023-2024 survey includes insights from CFOs and treasurers from across the globe.
- Derived from RPMG data as reported in the 2019 Corporate Travel Card Benchmark Survey Results.
- Barlow Flash Panel commissioned by VBS.
- Data derived from Mercator - B2B Payments More Options Than Ever Before 2019; p2.