A reliable network
VisaNet, the world’s largest electronic payments processing network, is capable of processing more than 76,000 transaction messages a second.¹
Our network connects you to millions of potential new customers around the world.
VisaNet, the world’s largest electronic payments processing network, is capable of processing more than 76,000 transaction messages a second.¹
Credit card purchases average more than the average cash transaction.
Speed up transactions and let your customers pay the way they want to pay.
Visa is committed to providing safe, reliable transactions.
We know your business is unique. That’s why we offer a variety of solutions to help your business thrive. From becoming a merchant, to in-store and mobile payments and expanding online.
Becoming a Visa-accepting merchant is a straightforward process, and we’ll help you succeed. However, there are a few requirements you’ll need to know:
When a Visa account holder uses a Visa card to buy a pair of shoes, it's actually the acquirer—the merchant's bank—that reimburses the merchant for the shoes.
Then, the issuer—the account holder's bank—reimburses the acquirer, usually within 24 to 72 hours.
Lastly, the issuer collects from the account holder by withdrawing funds from the account holder’s bank account if a debit account is used, or through billing if a credit account is used.
Before you sign a processing contract with an acquirer, consider the following:
Have your info ready:
Understanding Fees and Rates:
Merchants typically pay a "merchant discount" to their acquirer, which is negotiated between the two parties. The cost of processing services provided by the merchant’s acquirer may be included in the merchant discount rate, which is typically a percentage rate per transaction.
Let your customers know you take Visa
Visa has developed turnkey creative assets to help communicate the benefits of mobile point-of-sale, including video endorsements, web pages, how to guides and more.
Get free signage
1. Visa. (2020). Retrieved from https://corporate.visa.com/en/about-visa/visanet.html